Thursday May 16, Inklings Write-In

  • May 16, 2024
  • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • 3635 E Longwing Ln, Meridian, ID 83646
  • 10


  • Inklings requires a $5 drop in fee for guests.
  • ICW membership includes Inklings meetings.

Registration is closed

Inklings are regular, casual meetings which take place in multiple locations. This group meets the first and third Thursday of each month and currently meets at Royal Coffee.  

Royal Coffee is located adjacent to The Fountain Square, in the eatery which houses Calle 75 and Rice Works. When we use public eating facilities, we encourage you to order food or drink to patronize the businesses.

Members can bring several paper copies of their work in progress (WIP). For the first hour, we read aloud and handwrite critiques. No matter how new you are to writing, you have something to offer. Sometimes we have an impromptu brainstorm session. Often, we just fellowship. This smaller group is more conducive to individualized questions and story problem-solving.

If you have questions, contact us.

Royal Coffee Co. at The Village, Meridian
PDF Directory Map of The Village