May Meeting Details: Our speaker, Peter Leavell, is an award winning novelist and historian. Peter is the director of Boise Classical Academy where he teaches rhetoric, history and literature, and also teaches literature for Northwest University in Seattle. You will recognize him as the main contributor to Writerly Wednesdays on the ICW blog.
Peter’s heart for teaching especially extends toward youth, so this a perfect meeting to include your older teenagers and young adult friends. He will share about the importance of being ready to say “yes” to requests for blog posts, speaking, and interview engagements. Peter will also speak about the need to mentor the next generation, so we encourage you to bring a guest!
We meet monthly, on the second Tuesday, at the The Creative Space.
What typically happens when we gather? We typically have a speaker who shares about the craft or the writing journey. We also have a time for networking and sharing genres, goals, and prayer requests.
This event is free for members, and we welcome you to visit us twice if you are not a member. If you decide to continue, we ask that you become a member or pay a drop in fee of $8.